Understand and remediate the vulnerabilities in your network.
Reduce Your Vulnerabilities
Every day, attackers try to find and exploit security holes in networks and applications. There are more zero-day vulnerabilities than ever before, making it critical to patch promptly. A robust Vulnerability Management Service will help you to create processes to recognize and prioritize security measures promptly and safely.
Vulnerability Management that Goes Beyond Patching, Configuration and Asset Management
Features include:
24/7 by 365 support from our best-in-class security experts, providing alerts and notifications of vulnerabilities based on severity level
Access to a unique portal with easy-to-understand dashboards and comprehensive monthly reporting.
Complete digital onboarding experience managed through virtual scanner(s)
Dynamic asset grouping to reduce scan time and accelerate remediation
Compliance visibility and checks against industry and regulatory standards like CIS, DISA STIG,FISMA, PCI DSS,HIPAA/HITECH, SCA, and more
Patch, configuration, and asset management validation services to confirm that fixes are applied properly
Regular, non-invasive scans that give you visibility into your security posture without compromising your environment
Service has extended scanning capabilities, alerting you to potential issues with web servers, unsecured FTP servers, OpenSSH servers, and many more
Helping You Meet Your Cybersecurity Goals & More
Your teams can maintain focus on supporting the company’s core business.
The cost-effective service is cloud-based, meaning no system overhead, hardware costs, or administration headaches
Rapid response to threats, protecting the sensitive data for your customers, staff, and other stakeholders
Our easy-to-use console gives you improved visibility and reporting to track your performance and security posture
Helps you maintain your compliance and regulatory requirements
Customer success story
Providing vulnerability management services and more to global cannabinoid organization
See how we helped support this organization's rapid growth by supplying scalable cybersecurity services in a highly regulated industry.