Latest Cybersecurity News 2021-07-12 Edition

ISA Cybersecurity Cyber News July 12

Follow ISA Cybersecurity on LinkedIn for the latest cybersecurity news Weekly CyberTip: Where do you keep your incident response plan? Be sure to store a secure copy of your incident response plan separate from your infrastructure. In the event that you are faced with a cyberattack that encrypts your data or otherwise makes your systems unavailable, you will want to have access to […]

Lessons Learned From The Colonial Pipeline Cyber Attack

lessons learned from the colonial pipeline cyber attacks

It has been less than two months since a DarkSide ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline caused a significant disruption to key infrastructure in the United States. Here are five lessons that oil & gas – and other energy concerns – can take from the incident:  Lesson 1: The importance of system monitoring The hackers launched their attack in the early hours of May 7, exfiltrating some 100GB of […]

Colossal Kaseya ransomware attack affecting companies around the world

person types on a computer keyboard

On July 2, threat actors launched a cyber attack against users of IT management software company Kaseya’s “VSA” remote monitoring and management application. The hackers compromised the VSA application and used it as a springboard to deploy REvil/Sodinokibi ransomware on some VSA users.  One security researcher has characterized the incident as a “colossal and devastating supply chain attack”. According to the Washington Post, “because […]

Latest Cybersecurity News 2021-07-05 Edition

Cyber News Banner 2021-07-05 Edition

Follow ISA Cybersecurity on LinkedIn for the latest cybersecurity news Weekly CyberTip: Supply Chain Incident Response Even the most secure infrastructure can be susceptible to attack if third parties or supply chain entities are compromised. Be sure to design your incident response plans and procedures to anticipate breaches that affect you, as well as the […]

Latest Cybersecurity News 2021-06-28 Edition

woman typing on laptop

Follow ISA Cybersecurity on LinkedIn for the latest cybersecurity news Weekly CyberTip: Watch out for phishing If you receive a vague request for help via email, particularly from someone you haven’t been in contact with recently, be suspicious! Contact them by phone or text, or otherwise firmly establish the person’s identity before providing any assistance. Check out today’s […]

Latest Cybersecurity News 2021-06-21 Edition

ISA Cybersecurity CyberNews

Follow ISA Cybersecurity on LinkedIn for the latest cybersecurity news Weekly CyberTip: Ask for the vendors’ certifications Are you sure your service providers and suppliers are as concerned about security as you are? Make sure you always vet the cyber posture of third parties, and apply the same security rigour to your extended network as you do to your own systems.  Ask for the vendors’ […]

12 Email Security Tips and Tactics – National Email Week 2021

National Email Week

It’s a special National Email Week this year, as the medium everyone loves to hate celebrates its 50th  anniversary this October. While email has simplified communications, it has also dramatically changed the pace of work for all of us. Coupled with the ease and accessibility of mobile devices, it’s no wonder that checking email is […]

Latest Cybersecurity News 2021-06-15 Edition

person typing credit card number into laptop

Follow ISA Cybersecurity on LinkedIn for the latest cybersecurity news Weekly CyberTip: Protect your personal financial information Legitimate companies won’t ask you for your credit card number, bank account information, or other sensitive financial information by email or over the phone. If you are unsure about a message you’ve received, reach out to the company […]

Latest Cybersecurity News 2021-06-07 Edition

ISA Cybersecurity CyberNews June 7th edition

Follow ISA Cybersecurity on LinkedIn for the latest cybersecurity news CyberNews CyberTip: Clean your web browser  In day-to-day to use, your web browsers will collect cookies, cached pages and images, and a trail of your visited sites. While some of this data can help personalize your browsing experience, cached data can also create privacy risks […]


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