Implications of AI for Cyber Defense

The emergence of ChatGPT and other publicly-available generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has ushered in a boom in interest, development, and adoption of AI. Many organizations are exploring how they can integrate AI into their business and the potential benefits that it could provide. (And frankly, those that haven’t, should be!) One of the potential applications […]

Why you should outsource your SIEM management today

Whether you are just starting to grow your organization’s security program, or are looking to optimize your current setup, outsourcing your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) to a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) may be the right move for you. Why? Monitoring your own SIEM in your own SOC is a challenge. The majority of the […]

Comparing UK and Canadian Data Privacy Laws

Data privacy laws have grown much more numerous and powerful in recent years. The enactment of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 spurred many jurisdictions to create or update their own data privacy laws. In addition to the sheer number of laws, some of the biggest challenges for companies attempting to achieve compliance […]

Streamlining Cybersecurity: Benefits and Risks of Product and Service Consolidation

Tackling cybersecurity solution sprawl can be one of the toughest challenges you and your team face. There’s a dizzying array of choices out there – a recent analysis identified over 3700 cybersecurity vendors offering nearly 8200 products across 17 categories – so chances are that you are dealing a lot of them. Let’s examine the […]

Establishing Cybersecurity ROI

Four Steps to Defining Cybersecurity ROI Ever faced these chilling words from your boss or the board when proposing a cybersecurity investment: “What’s the ROI?” When trying to justify a new security tool or service, additional headcount, process change, or bigger budget, the topic of Return On Investment (ROI) will come up. It always does. […]

Compliance and Regulation Changes in 2024

The four top compliance changes heading your way in 2024 – and how to manage them 2024 looks to be a landmark year for changes to the compliance and regulatory environment. ISA Cybersecurity’s Nitin Bedi discusses the changes that could have the greatest impact on your operations, and provides some practical advice on how to […]

Determining How to Allocate Your Cybersecurity Budget

Protecting What Matters: Determining How to Allocate Your Cybersecurity Budget How to spend your next cyber dollar is a question you’ve asked yourself, and has likely been asked by your leadership team. The answer to that question should actually be straightforward: if it isn’t, then you should be reflecting on your entire cyber maturity program – not just deciding on which purchase order to […]

Strategies to Defend Against the 15 Common Cyber Attack Vectors

15 Cyber threats

Cybersecurity is a critical aspect of today’s digital age, where individuals and organizations are susceptible to cyber attacks. As we rely more on technology, cyber attacks become increasingly prevalent, and attackers continue to find new methods to exploit systems. In 2022 alone, Canada saw a 20% increase in cyber attacks[1], while the global numbers increased […]

Time to Rally the Retail Troops: A Guide to Strengthening Cybersecurity in Retail

A Guide to Strengthening Cybersecurity in Retail

Cybersecurity needs to be a priority for retailers, now more than ever. While some retailers were among the early adopters in the evolution of e-commerce in the 2000s, the pandemic accelerated digital transformation right across the board in the retail industry. According to a Retail Data Threat Report by Thales, over 70% of U.S. retailers […]


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